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External memory & storage media

External memory is ideal for expanding the storage on your computer or laptop in an affordable and easy way.


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External memory helps you generate extra storage capacity that you don't have to install internally in your computer. This makes adding memory externally an easy way to not only have extra memory, but also to have data stored mobile. For example, if you have a flexible workspace in the office with standard workplaces, you sometimes need storage options that do not take place on the network. You don't have to keep emailing documents to yourself if you want to continue working on them at home. You simply save the document twice: once on the internal company network and once on your external hard drive that you put in your bag when you go home.

Even more external memory

Some more memory and storage can also be a solution if your internal memory starts to fill up. You don't have to buy a new desktop or laptop right away, but you can still get ahead for a while with your extra memory. Sometimes you like to have an external storage option for specific purposes. Think of digital documents that you want to save twice, just to be safe, and put them in a safe or with one of your family members you trust. Are you collecting photos from the past with your entire family? Then a stick with all scanned photos for all brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces can be an ideal solution for sharing the photos. The only question then remains: who will scan all the photos?

Storage options

In addition to the well-known USB sticks as external memory, there are also other options for storing data externally. Consider an SD card or micro SD card. You also get these cards in various amounts of storage capacity. Since these forms of storage often fill up quickly, you want to transfer the data to a larger external memory. For example, you can remove the SD card from your camera once a month and create a folder for that month on your external drive and place all your photos in it. This way you create structure in your data, which can be useful later. Details such as a year, season or month are easier to remember than a specific detail that you want to go back to.

Transferring data

To transfer data from one medium to another medium, you can use a separate card reader. This card reader comes in different shapes and can also have multiple ports. You can order a small card reader in the form of a USB stick, which has openings in the sides for an SD card or Micro SD card. Place the stick in the USB port on your laptop or desktop and you can easily move data. When you have finished exchanging data, remove the external memory in a safe manner.

Larger model card reader

There is also a larger card reader. This has multiple ports and can be placed practically next to you on your desk while working on your PC. If you have multiple devices that work with different types of storage cards, a larger external memory model, such as the Gembird USB hub with card reader, can be a really useful addition to your setup. You then gather all your devices together, place them clearly on your desk, take out the cards and put them in the card reader. Have you finished transferring all the data? Then you remove the cards and put them back in their original device. This way nothing can get confused and you always have sufficient storage in external memory when you are on the road with a photo camera or other digital device.

Different types of USB sticks as storage media

In addition to the regular USB stick, there is also the secured USB stick. This stick has a PIN code that you set yourself, so the data on the secure USB stick can only be retrieved if you know the code. A secure stick is recommended, especially for sensitive data. After all, accidents can easily happen and you do not want personal or sensitive information to become known to others. Consider storing results of examinations in the hospital or financial data about your company. Those are nobody's business. In addition to the secured USB stick, there is also an external hard drive with a PIN code. This gives you the option to store more data.

Storage media that you place internally or do not easily take with you

With an internal hard drive you add extra storage options to your laptop or desktop. You can also use a NAS – Network Attached Storage – and place extra drives in it as soon as you run out of storage capacity. With a NAS you can easily synchronize, have backups made or work on documents simultaneously. The NAS is an essential part of many IT departments, but can also work for private individuals. You have more data capacity and can stream better.

Burn a CD or DVD yourself

It seems old fashioned, but sometimes an external CD/DVD burner is useful to burn a CD or DVD as storage media. This often happens with photos or personal documents that you can easily and digitally put in an emergency bag. This way you are prepared for all situations.

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